Published: 2025-01-01

Bone Marrow Puncture (BMP): The Initial Step in the Management of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)

Martini Viviana, Eddy Mulyono, Fajar Widhi Atmojo, Haryo Nindito Wicaksono


The Interplay between Hyperaldosteronism and Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Pathophysiological Insights and Therapeutic Implications

Carlos Emmanuel Guzman Solorzano, Jesus Miguel Valencia Correa, Elsa Itzel Calderón Tapia, Araceli Martínez Cervantes, Meyboll Edily Rodriguez Medina


Innovative Strategies in the Management of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: A Multidisciplinary and Translational Approach

Donaldo Emiliano Silva López, Andres Gerardo Herrera Jimenez, Isidro Fabián Martínez Valeriano, Geraldine Nieves Vázquez, Patricio Urrutia Alanis, Marian Anahí Rodríguez Carrillo


Single Isolated Umbilical Artery in A Healthy Newborn: Case Report

Manuel Andrés Miranda Guillermo , David Arsenio Martínez Góngora , Orlando Jesus Sarmiento Haydar , Juan Carlos Cachón Alpuche , Mónica Campos Sánchez , Dalia Lucía Gómez Aguilar , Héctor David Guillermo Brito


Revision Arthroplasty Versus Open Reduction Internal Fixation for Distal Femur Periprosthetic Fractures: A Systematic Review

Kenny Yulian, Gusti Ngurah Putra Stanu, Made Agus Maharjana, Kadek Gede Bakta Giri


Giant Mesenteric Cyst of The Large Bowel: Case Report

Carlos Alberto Zapata Cardona, Alfredo Guillermo Manjarrez Taha , Alejandro Sanchez Gudiño , Luis Eduardo Mejía Sevilla , Oscar Vazquez Valadez , María de los Ángeles Martínez Ferretiz


Fistulous Communication Between the Left Atrium and Coronary Sinus: A Rare Case from Nepal

Ashok Kumar Thakur, Ram Kumar Ghimire, Dr. Bhuwan Kayastha, Dr. Mahima Adhikari, Dr. Binay Kumar Yadav


Computed Tomography Pattern of Non-Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Tertiary Hospital of Nepal-A Cross Sectional Study

Dr. Subaj Bhattarai, Dr. Bikash Bikram Singh Adhikari, Dr. Saroj Sharma, Dr. Raja Suwal


The WALANT Technique in Osteotomy and Bone Elongation for Brachymetatarsia: A Case Report

Valentina Magos Gamboa, Leidy Carolina Sosa Cachón, Luis Ángel Martínez Bravo, Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría, María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero, Víctor Manuel Ayuso Diaz, Ruz Alcocer Alison Mariel, Minerva Jiménez Reyes, Leonardo Jiménez Reyes


Pregnancy Favism and Severe Hemolytic Anemia in a Patient with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency: A Case Report

Tamara Espinosa Martínez, María Eugenia Núñez Hernández, Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría, María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero, Viridiana Noemí Victoria Acosta, Lourdes Araceli López Enzana, Deisy Areli Lárraga Bautista, Héctor Alejandro Soto Hernández, Natalia Aleli Gómez Marfil


Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections with Multidrug Resistance Bacteria in a 50-Year-Old Man Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipient with Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease: The Issues for Native Nephrectomy

Khin Phyu Pyar, Htun Htun Oo, Zaw Min Htike, Win Kyaw Shwe, Ye Htook Maung, Aung Zaw Htet, Aung Kyaw Tun, Aung Thaw Hein, Khine Khine Su, Aung Htet, Myat Ko Ko, Aung Nyan Lynn, Moe Htun Zaw, Kyaw Thu Yein Lwin, Lay Maung Maung, Ye Min Hein, Lynn Htet Aung, Sai Aik Hla, Min Aung Hein, Chan Pyae Aung, Myo Min Thant, Myat Kyaw, Nyein Chan Ko, Tun Linn Kyaw, Aung Htoo Kyaw


Cutaneous Metastasis of Endometrial Adenocarcinoma: An Unusual and Dramatic Presentation of two Cases

Fouzia Hali, Rajaa Bousmara, Abderrahmane Mellouki, Farida Marnissi, Soumiya Chiheb


Hybrid Management of Taussig-Bing Syndrome in Neonates: An Innovative Approach to Optimize Outcomes in Complex Congenital Heart Disease

Donaldo Emiliano Silva López, Patricio Urrutia Alanis, Alicia Alanis Ocadiz, Jannett Padilla López, Janette Avelar Ramírez, Diego Alejandro Guzmán Herrera


The Interconnection between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Pathophysiology, Clinical Implications, and Management Strategies

Donaldo Emiliano Silva López, Jhonattan Daniel Castro Pére, Isidro Fabián Martínez Valeriano, Lorenzo Ricardo Morales Rodríguez, Alma Pamela Huerta Alvarado, Marcela Martínez Celis González


Superficial Cutaneous Sporotrichosis, Report of a Case with Adequate Response

Romero-Sánchez Alan Jesú, Ramírez-Ruiz Antonio, Pintor-Pardo Nancy Gabriela, Camero-Olvera Francisco Andrés


Case Report: Ultrasound-Guided Neuroaxial Anesthesia in Pregnant Patient with Opioid-Allergic Achondroplasia

Fernando Alberto Avelar Ocampo, Javier Bautista Martinez, Mariana Ortega Martinez, Katia Leticia Méndez Duarte, Brisa Paymú Soto Jimenez


Reproductive Outcomes in Patients with Infertility and Insulin Resistance

Flores-Acosta Mariana, Altamirano-Briseño Gustavo; Moreno-Vargas Julieta


Psychological Impact on the Patient With a History of Pregnancy Loss

Jáuregui Guzmán Liliana, Lazcano Castellanos Alma, González Hernández Irene


Sanders IV Calcaneus Fracture Treated with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation with a Moldable Plate: A Case Report

Alejandro Gamboa Ramírez, Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría, María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero, Mario José Lezama Peniche, Adrian Guillermo C han Cisneros


Acral Lentiginous Melanoma: A Comprehensive Review of Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentation, and Therapeutic Advances

Juan Fausto Martínez González, , Laura Mariel Valle Guevara, Nancy Tellez Viveros, Donaldo Emiliano Silva López


Management of Difficult Airway in a Patient with Oral Cavity Cancer: Case Report

Katia Leticia Mendez Duarte, Ángel Gustavo Bernabe Flores, Fernando Alberto Avelar Ocampo


Surgical Management of Lagophthalmos with Gold Pessary

María Guadalupe Nieblas Serrano, Rogelio Rodríguez Cárdenas, Juan Jesús Ortega Landeros, Lucero Ramirez Mejia, Jesús Alejandro Olvera Rodríguez, Alvaro Sebastian Gutierrez Macklis, Alfonso Sandoval Polito, Alberto Jaramillo Sastré, Wendy Melisa Gomez Aragón, Andrés Eduardo Martínez López, Luis Fernando Castillo Cesareo, Angeles Anahi Mendoza Rojas, Joselyn Ugalde Rivera


Effect of Papaya Leaf Extract (Carica Papaya L.) on Two-Hour Postprandial Blood Glucose in Male Wistar Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Induced by Streptozotocin and Nicotinamide

Perdanu Andra Riski Offianto, Sajuni Widjaja, Puri Safitri Hanum, Elita Halimsetiono, Achmad Hendra Hartawan Wawan
