Single Isolated Umbilical Artery in A Healthy Newborn: Case Report

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Manuel Andrés Miranda Guillermo
David Arsenio Martínez Góngora
Orlando Jesus Sarmiento Haydar
Juan Carlos Cachón Alpuche
Mónica Campos Sánchez
Dalia Lucía Gómez Aguilar
Héctor David Guillermo Brito


Introduction: The umbilical cord (UC) typically contains two arteries and one vein. The presence of a single umbilical artery (SUA) is the most common anomaly associated with the umbilical cord and is linked to various congenital conditions. However, SUA can also appear as an isolated condition (ISUA), occurring without any accompanying fetal structural or chromosomal abnormalities.

Clinical case: The case involves a 37-year-old primiparous patient with inadequate prenatal care. She presents to our medical unit for the first time at 38.2 weeks of pregnancy, experiencing latent phase labor and presentation dystocia. The patient has been diagnosed with SUA since 21.5 weeks of gestation. The pregnancy was resolved through an abdominal delivery, resulting in the birth of a healthy newborn.

Discussion: Pregnancies involving fetuses with SUA are associated with an increased risk of various malformations, including renal, cardiac, nervous system, and gastrointestinal issues. These pregnancies may also lead to complications such as a small fetus for its gestational age, fetal growth restriction, abortion, preterm birth, and perinatal death. However, as illustrated in this case, SUA can occur without resulting in any adverse perinatal outcomes.

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Manuel Andrés Miranda Guillermo, David Arsenio Martínez Góngora, Orlando Jesus Sarmiento Haydar, Juan Carlos Cachón Alpuche, Mónica Campos Sánchez, Dalia Lucía Gómez Aguilar, & Héctor David Guillermo Brito. (2025). Single Isolated Umbilical Artery in A Healthy Newborn: Case Report. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 5(1), 33–38.


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