Primary Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma: Laparoscopic Resection and Literature Update.

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Maisa AlIkhwan
Sumayah Chapra
Christian Janikow


Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenoma (PRMC) is a rare pathology. Until our last update literature review there is 49 cases published. We present the case number 50 to the scientific literature. A 43-years-old female that presented to our clinic with abdominal pain was diagnosed as retroperitoneal cystic lesion by computed tomography scan. She underwent laparoscopic resection with no complications. The histopathology reveled a PRMC with no malignancy futures. These rare cystic lesions should be included as differential diagnosis at the preoperative stage. The best management option is the complete surgical excision with no intraoperative spillage.

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How to Cite
Maisa AlIkhwan, Sumayah Chapra, & Christian Janikow. (2025). Primary Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma: Laparoscopic Resection and Literature Update . International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 5(1), 114–116.


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