The Potential of Plant Extracts to Substitute for NSAID Drugs that can Inhibit Post-Operative Bone Healing : A Literature Review

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Raden Alif Kuncorojati
Ahmad Fawzy
Mochammad Haikal Alhamdi
Rudi Margono


Bone fractures are a global public health concern. Fractures are a significant burden on individuals, families, societies, and healthcare systems, because they can cause work absences, decreased productivity, disabilities, reduced quality of life, health loss, and high healthcare expenses. Bone healing is a complex process that allows the repair of broken bones without scar tissue formation. NSAIDs have long been an essential part of our strategy for pain management in post-traumatic environments. The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are frequently used by patients as both anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, is one of these causes. NSAIDs have been investigated for a long time, with conflicting results regarding their effects on bone repairs. Most plant parts have been used as extracts, and they may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties related to these conditions. From the six studies that correlated, we found that the use of plant extracts promotes bone healing by enhancing osteogenesis, the rate of calcification, and the creation and mineralization of bone calli, thereby expediting the process of new bone formation at the fracture location. These benefits may be related to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the extracts. From these results, it can be concluded that plant extracts can potentially substitute NSAIDs as anti-inflammatory agents in postoperative bone healing.

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How to Cite
Kuncorojati, R. A., Fawzy, A., Alhamdi, M. H., & Margono, R. (2023). The Potential of Plant Extracts to Substitute for NSAID Drugs that can Inhibit Post-Operative Bone Healing : A Literature Review. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(07), 1454–1460.


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