The Negative Impact of Vaping and Electric Cigarettes for Healing of Acute Wounds: A Literature Review

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Machfira Bulantrisna
Ahmad Fawzy


Emerging evidence suggests that vaping can significantly impede wound healing, with prevalence rates of current e-cigarette use varying between 3.3% and 11.8%. This study aims to investigate the impact of vaping on wound healing, particularly in acute wounds encountered in plastic surgery settings. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), comprising a rechargeable battery and an atomizer or heating element, typically contain flavored liquids with or without nicotine as humectants. Skin wounds heal through overlapping inflammatory, proliferative, and remodeling phases. Chemical constituents of e-cigarettes, including propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), nicotine, flavoring agents, and contaminants, hinder wound healing by inducing osmotic effects, cellular toxicity, vasoconstriction, reduced oxygen supply, impaired angiogenesis, cytotoxicity, and modulation of inflammatory responses. Similar to conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes may compromise wound healing through a multifaceted mechanism, although they may offer a comparatively less harmful alternative.

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How to Cite
Bulantrisna, M., & Fawzy, A. . (2024). The Negative Impact of Vaping and Electric Cigarettes for Healing of Acute Wounds: A Literature Review. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(05), 940–945.


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