Be Careful, Ladies! The Potential Damaging Impact of Vaping and Electric Cigarettes for Healing of Post-Caesarean-Section Wounds: A Literature Review

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Muhammad Arya Mandalika
Ahmad Fawzy


Cesarean section (CS) delivery involves surgically delivering the fetus through an incision in the abdominal and uterine walls. Attention to wound care is essential to prevent infections, a common impediment to CS wound healing, with infection rates significantly higher compared to vaginal delivery. Several factors, including age, nutrition, mobilization, infection, circulation, oxygenation, medications, and wound conditions, influence surgical wound healing. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), popular for their perceived harm reduction, flavors, and ease of use, deliver flavored nicotine doses via aerosolization through battery-powered devices. Studies link e-cigarettes to proinflammatory responses, increased cytotoxicity, and weakened immune defenses during the perioperative period, heightening surgical risks and impeding healing. This review aims to synthesize evidence on vaping's impact on CS wound healing, focusing on e-cigarette chemical components.

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How to Cite
Mandalika, M. A., & Fawzy, A. (2024). Be Careful, Ladies! The Potential Damaging Impact of Vaping and Electric Cigarettes for Healing of Post-Caesarean-Section Wounds: A Literature Review. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(05), 974–981.


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