“Otak-Otak” Formulation of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) and Moringa Leaves (Moringa Oleifera) as an Alternative Additional Feeding for Pregnant Women with Chronic Energy Deficiency

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Vierencia Dwilian
Theresia Puspita
Sugeng Iwan


Pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency are in a state of malnutrition, particularly in terms of energy and protein, that lasts for years. One of the causes is inadequate food intake, resulting in nutritional needs, especially energy, not being met daily. The effort to address the nutritional issue is through providing energy-dense and high-protein as an alternative additional feeding  according to the nutritional needs of pregnant women, utilizing local foods such as skipjack tuna and moringa leaves. This study analyzes the nutritional quality, organoleptic quality, descriptive tests, and best treatment levels of Otak-Otak with a formulation of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and moringa leaves as an alternative additional feeding for pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). The type of experimental research with a Completely Randomized Design consists of 3 levels of treatment. The variables being studied are organoleptic quality (hedonic test) and nutritional value (Calculated Value). Next, the best treatment level is determined. The analysis of organoleptic data used the Kruskal-Wallis method with a confidence level of 95%. Skipjack tuna otak-otak with moringa leaves has a good level of preference (like-very much). The treatment levels only significantly affected the energy content and nutrient levels per serving (135 g), which met a as an alternative additional feeding  for pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED).  The best formulation of skipjack tuna fish in treatment 3 (T3) provides a nutritional contribution to the as an alternative additional feeding  standards for pregnant women according to the regulation of the Ministry of Health in 2023 with energy at 101%, protein at 129%, fat at 117%, and carbohydrates at 80%.

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How to Cite
Dwilian, V., Theresia Puspita, & Sugeng Iwan. (2025). “Otak-Otak” Formulation of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) and Moringa Leaves (Moringa Oleifera) as an Alternative Additional Feeding for Pregnant Women with Chronic Energy Deficiency . International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 5(2), 249–254. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v5-i02-09


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