The WALANT Technique in Osteotomy and Bone Elongation for Brachymetatarsia: A Case Report

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Valentina Magos Gamboa
Leidy Carolina Sosa Cachón
Luis Ángel Martínez Bravo
Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría
María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero
Víctor Manuel Ayuso Diaz
Ruz Alcocer Alison Mariel
Minerva Jiménez Reyes
Leonardo Jiménez Reyes


Introduction: Brachydactyly (BD) is considered a genetic malformation that can cause disproportionately short fingers and toes. The incidence ranges from 0.0% up to 0.05%, with a predilection for females. On the other hand, the Walant anesthetic technique is safe and effective and uses epinephrine, lidocaine, and sodium bicarbonate.

Case presentation: A 50-year-old female diagnosed with BD was scheduled for an elective osteotomy with a bone elongator. During the procedure, we used the Walant technique, which does not require intravenous sedation or supplementary oxygen.

Clinical discussion: Hand surgery is one of the most common procedures and usually requires the use of a tourniquet for hemostatic control, creates pain and makes the use of sedation necessary. In this case, we explained how the Walant technique can be beneficial in cases with BD.

Conclusion: The Walant technique proves anesthesia and avoids the use of tourniquet and sedation, decreasing surgical times, optimizing surgical supplies, and decreasing costs and post-anesthetic recovery. It can be used as a first-line anesthetic option in selected procedures, including tendon repairs and carpal tunnel release.

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Valentina Magos Gamboa, Leidy Carolina Sosa Cachón, Luis Ángel Martínez Bravo, Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría, María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero, Víctor Manuel Ayuso Diaz, Ruz Alcocer Alison Mariel, Minerva Jiménez Reyes, & Leonardo Jiménez Reyes. (2025). The WALANT Technique in Osteotomy and Bone Elongation for Brachymetatarsia: A Case Report. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 5(1), 61–67.


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