Giant Epididymal Cyst in the Right Testicle: Case Report and Literature Review.

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Jairo David Villanueva Pinelo
Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría
María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero
José Manuel Michel Ramírez
Jorge Francisco Martínez Hernández
Alejandra Soledad Alamilla López
María Jocelyn Chan Chan
José Antonio Arjona León
Sergio Miguel Polanco Zapata
Michel Ernesto Herrera González
Gerardo Bracamontes Patiño
Romina Solís Hernández
Minerva Jiménez Reyes
Daniel Guitérrez Huezo
Pablo Roger Herrera Salazar
Francisco Javier Martín Interián
Jesús Omar Chan Dorantes
Astrid Arlen Gallegos Becerra
Dioney Josimar Ucán Gamboa
Leonardo Jiménez Reyes



Introduction: Cystic intratesticular lesions can occur in the second and fourth decades of life and are typically identified via ultrasound. Testicular cysts, usually under 2 cm, result from epididymal-lymphatic obstruction or hormonal changes. Larger lesions with sperm and lymphocytes are spermatoceles. Epididymal cysts are asymptomatic but can cause discomfort or pain, sometimes requiring surgery.

Clinical case: A 38-year-old male with no chronic diseases presented with a giant tumor in the right testicle, experiencing pain and hypersensitivity. Physical examination and ultrasound revealed an irregular, painful testicular tumor and a right epididymal cyst. A right epididymal tumor excision was performed successfully.

Discussion: Testicular cysts are benign and represent 20-40% of benign testicular tumors. They may arise due to idiopathic, infectious, or traumatic causes with no established risk factors. Diagnosis is often incidental and involves physical examination and imaging techniques like ultrasound. Management is conservative for asymptomatic cases, while symptomatic cases may require surgical intervention that involves careful separation of the cyst from the adhered area.

Conclusion: An epididymal cyst is a common pathology in males worldwide, occupying up to 40% of the masses in the testes at the time of a urological assessment. It is a collection at the testicular level of hyaline content and usually measures < 2 cm. They are generally asymptomatic, but when their size exceeds 2 cm or causes symptomatology, it is important to know the therapeutic options that can be offered to patients. In the case of our patient, as it is an epididymal cyst with a diameter of 5 cm and with additional symptomatology, the ideal management was surgical resection, showing adequate evolution in the postoperative follow-up.

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Jairo David Villanueva Pinelo, Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría, María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero, José Manuel Michel Ramírez, Jorge Francisco Martínez Hernández, Alejandra Soledad Alamilla López, María Jocelyn Chan Chan, José Antonio Arjona León, Sergio Miguel Polanco Zapata, Michel Ernesto Herrera González, Gerardo Bracamontes Patiño, Romina Solís Hernández, Minerva Jiménez Reyes, Daniel Guitérrez Huezo, Pablo Roger Herrera Salazar, Francisco Javier Martín Interián, Jesús Omar Chan Dorantes, Astrid Arlen Gallegos Becerra, Dioney Josimar Ucán Gamboa, & Leonardo Jiménez Reyes. (2024). Giant Epididymal Cyst in the Right Testicle: Case Report and Literature Review . International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(10), 1920–1923.


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