Gallbladder Polyps: A Literature Review of Basic Concepts, Diagnosis and Treatment Options

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Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría
María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero
Carlos Enrique Luna Guerrero
Jackeline García Gaxiola
Luis Armando López Rico
Jairo David Villanueva Pinelo
Julio Ramón Mendoza Mena
Shadid Alejandra Rodríguez Gómez
Gerardo Bracamontes Patiño
Samantha Quintal Campos
Guiscenthia Rose Tharlene Auguste
Enzo Alejandro Herrera Villaseñor
Minerva Jiménez Reyes
Roberto Alejandro Giammattei Somoza
Leonardo Jiménez Reyes


Gallbladder polyps (GP) are projections of the mucosa toward the light, most of them are benign caused by cholesterol deposits, focal adenomatosis, or hyperplastic lesions secondary to a local infection. It has an estimated prevalence of 5% of the world population. Cholesterol polyps are usually formed by an asymptomatic process, rarely obstructive jaundice or cholangitis due to the blockage of distal bile ducts by detached fragments of polyps. A small number of patients may be symptomatic; cholesterolosis and adenomatosis can also cause chronic dyspeptic abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Ultrasound is the main imaging modality to diagnose polyps of the gallbladder, endoscopic ultrasonography can be a useful tool in patients with clinical pictures suggestive of vesicular pathology and non-invasive imaging studies, and inconclusive. In a patient aged less than 50 years with GP, the likelihood of malignancy is minimal and does not require cholecystectomy. However, those with a size greater than or equal to 10 mm should be resected by cholecystectomy for high risk of malignancy, and those with a size less than 10 mm should be submitted to ultrasound monitoring, observing the risk characteristics during follow-up, to provide timely treatment.

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Noguera Echeverría, A. E., María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero, Carlos Enrique Luna Guerrero, Jackeline García Gaxiola, Luis Armando López Rico, Jairo David Villanueva Pinelo, Julio Ramón Mendoza Mena, Shadid Alejandra Rodríguez Gómez, Gerardo Bracamontes Patiño, Samantha Quintal Campos, Guiscenthia Rose Tharlene Auguste, Enzo Alejandro Herrera Villaseñor, Minerva Jiménez Reyes, Roberto Alejandro Giammattei Somoza, & Leonardo Jiménez Reyes. (2024). Gallbladder Polyps: A Literature Review of Basic Concepts, Diagnosis and Treatment Options. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(10), 1862–1865.


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