Current Treatment on Compartment Syndrome of the Hand

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Katia Esthefany Hernández Delgado
José Emiliano González Flores
Hector Gutierrez Reyes
Alfonso Sandoval Polito
Narda Alejandra Canett Hernandez
María Fernanda Vázquez Páez
Magdalena Xiomara García García
Angeles Yasunari Cortes Garcia
Erik Ponce Graciano
Andrea Guadalupe Bravo Márquez
Andrea Guadalupe Bravo Márquez
Adriana Denise Juárez Carmona
Andrés Eduardo Martínez López
Ricardo Alejandro Pacheco Ríos


Compartment syndrome is a critical condition characterized by elevated pressures within constricted myofascial compartments, leading to vascular compromise, hypoxia, and potential irreversible injury. While commonly affecting the forearm and lower leg, compartment syndrome of the hand is rare and poses unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. The pathophysiology involves increased intracompartmental pressure from various etiologies, such as trauma, edema, or external compression, culminating in a cycle of ischemia and worsening edema. Rhabdomyolysis, defined by rapid muscle tissue degradation and release of intracellular components into the bloodstream, is intricately linked to compartment syndrome, with each condition potentially exacerbating the other. Elevated serum creatine kinase and myoglobin levels are hallmark diagnostic markers of rhabdomyolysis.

Hand compartment syndrome, despite its rarity, necessitates prompt identification and surgical intervention. The hand's complex anatomical structure comprises ten compartments, each at risk for ischemic injury under increased pressure. Clinically, hand compartment syndrome manifests as severe pain disproportionate to injury, edema, and abnormal posturing. Diagnosis relies on clinical suspicion, supported by intracompartmental pressure monitoring. Emergent fasciotomy remains the definitive treatment, requiring multiple incisions to decompress affected compartments. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is valuable for assessing tissue damage and guiding management strategies. This review underscores the importance of early recognition and timely intervention in compartment syndrome and highlights the interdependent relationship between compartment syndrome and rhabdomyolysis.

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Katia Esthefany Hernández Delgado, José Emiliano González Flores, Hector Gutierrez Reyes, Alfonso Sandoval Polito, Narda Alejandra Canett Hernandez, María Fernanda Vázquez Páez, Magdalena Xiomara García García, Angeles Yasunari Cortes Garcia, Erik Ponce Graciano, Andrea Guadalupe Bravo Márquez, Andrea Guadalupe Bravo Márquez, Adriana Denise Juárez Carmona, Andrés Eduardo Martínez López, & Ricardo Alejandro Pacheco Ríos. (2024). Current Treatment on Compartment Syndrome of the Hand . International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(12), 2446–2449.


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