Karapandzic Flap Technique

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José Emiliano González Flores
Dra. Beverly García Vontra
María del Rayo Méndez Palacios
Williams Antonio Barrios Garcia
Alberto Jaramillo Sastré
Gonzalo Santos González
Dr. Moises Alvir Ruiz López
Dra. María Fernanda Ramírez Berumen
Andrea Florián Espinosa Jiménez
Dr. Uziel Aldahir Arrazola Pereda
Dra. Wendy Melisa Gómez Aragón
Dr. Luis Donaldo García Romero
Dra. Daniella Andrea Ponce de León Camargo


The reconstruction of lip defects poses a surgical challenge, especially when malignancies affecting the oral commissure require extensive excisions leading to considerable tissue loss. Optimal reconstruction methods must restore functionality, maintain aesthetics, and harmonize with adjacent tissues. The Karapandzic flap, introduced in 1974, provides a neurovascular myocutaneous technique that safeguards essential structures while preserving lip mobility and sensation.
This report emphasizes the reconstruction of a substantial lip defect subsequent to the excision of basal cell carcinoma utilizing the Karapandzic flap. The technique offers benefits such as a single-stage procedure, maintenance of vascular and nerve networks, and enhancement of oral function with increased lip mobility. Notwithstanding possible drawbacks like temporary microstomia and asymmetry of the oral commissure, the Karapandzic flap provides enhanced functional and aesthetic results relative to alternative techniques. This method proficiently targets the intricate musculature at the oral commissure, delivering a substantial functional reconstruction while circumventing the rigidity and diminished sensation linked to alternative techniques.
The Karapandzic flap is a dependable and effective method for reconstructing substantial lip defects, including those affecting the oral commissure. Although early postoperative microstomia may arise, it generally ameliorates with time, rendering this technique a commendable option for attaining optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes in lip reconstruction.

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José Emiliano González Flores, Dra. Beverly García Vontra, María del Rayo Méndez Palacios, Williams Antonio Barrios Garcia, Alberto Jaramillo Sastré, Gonzalo Santos González, Dr. Moises Alvir Ruiz López, Dra. María Fernanda Ramírez Berumen, Andrea Florián Espinosa Jiménez, Dr. Uziel Aldahir Arrazola Pereda, Dra. Wendy Melisa Gómez Aragón, Dr. Luis Donaldo García Romero, & Dra. Daniella Andrea Ponce de León Camargo. (2024). Karapandzic Flap Technique. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(12), 2443–2445. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i12-43


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