Nurses' Role in Healthcare Quality Improvement

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Dhaidan Abdullah Almutairi
Ahmed Abdullah R Alosilan
Majed Abdullah Alotaibi
Mona Mutlaq K Almutairi


Introduction: In addition to nursing, the nurse gives the patient medical attention by giving injections and managing medications. She helps the physician with diagnosis and therapy. The advancement of technology and rising demands for health care have changed the meaning of this profession. Nursing models that emphasize the practical application of learned information demonstrate the evolution of this profession. The purpose of this study was to outline the responsibilities, skills, and role of the nursing profession in raising the standard of patient care.

Material and method: The literature analysis method is used in this work. The information utilized in the work is derived from scientific journals and publications that have been released in compressed form.

Results: The analysis of the gathered scientific data demonstrated that nurses have a major influence on both the standard of medical care and the smooth operation of the entire institution. Healthcare facilities are part of organizations where a patient's life and health are directly impacted by the quality of care provided. As a result, everyone on staff should prioritize the patient's care, especially the nurses who spend a lot of time getting to know them and meeting them first. Patients look to nurses for medical expertise above all else, but they also expect safety, trust, and appropriate communication.

Conclusions: The nursing field has seen significant change in recent years, necessitating a variety of actions from those working in it to advance their careers. Additionally, patient expectations are evolving. Success depends on getting their feedback and meeting their needs. A happy customer will undoubtedly employ the facility's services once more.

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How to Cite
Dhaidan Abdullah Almutairi, Ahmed Abdullah R Alosilan, Majed Abdullah Alotaibi, & Mona Mutlaq K Almutairi. (2024). Nurses’ Role in Healthcare Quality Improvement. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(10), 1833–1836.


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