Meckel's Diverticulum: A Literature Review of Basic Concepts, Diagnosis and Treatment Options

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Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría
María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero
Mauricio Gerardo Martínez Morales
Enzo Alejandro Herrera Villaseñor
Carlos Aaron Loeza Duran
Alison Mariel Ruz Alcocer
Felipe de Jesús Triay Novelo
Guiscenthia Rose Tharlene Auguste
Ariadna del Jesús Arcos García
Andrea Polett Quiroz Domínguez
Alix Fernanda Castellanos Ortega
Minerva Jiménez Reyes
Mathilda Giorgia Forfori Palomo
Carlos Enrique Luna Guerrero
Luis Armando López Rico
Jackeline García Glaxiola


Meckel's diverticulum (MD) is a common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by an outpouching in the terminal ileum. It can be symptomatic in various ways, most commonly causing ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Complications such as bleeding, perforation, diverticulitis, or intestinal obstruction may develop in approximately 4% of patients. Diagnosis can be challenging, but a CT scan is often the tool of choice, particularly for identifying complications. Surgical procedures like laparoscopy or laparotomy provide a more accurate diagnosis. Treatment typically involves surgical removal of the diverticulum, with laparoscopy being a safe and effective method. Risk factors for acute complications in adults include age under 50, male sex, MD length over 2 centimeters, and intradiverticular tissue abnormalities.

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Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría, María Fernanda Ibarra Guerrero, Mauricio Gerardo Martínez Morales, Enzo Alejandro Herrera Villaseñor, Carlos Aaron Loeza Duran, Alison Mariel Ruz Alcocer, Felipe de Jesús Triay Novelo, Guiscenthia Rose Tharlene Auguste, Ariadna del Jesús Arcos García, Andrea Polett Quiroz Domínguez, Alix Fernanda Castellanos Ortega, Minerva Jiménez Reyes, Mathilda Giorgia Forfori Palomo, Carlos Enrique Luna Guerrero, Luis Armando López Rico, & Jackeline García Glaxiola. (2024). Meckel’s Diverticulum: A Literature Review of Basic Concepts, Diagnosis and Treatment Options. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(04), 645–650.


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