Hostile Abdomen, A Review of the Current Literature

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Hector Adrián Salas Rivas
Alexis Molina Pérez
Christian Guadalupe Peña Gio
Axel Fabián Vidales Cervantes
Alexis Quetzalcóatl Vega Morales


The patient with a hostile abdomen is a challenge, where the abdominal cavity is open, with the edges retracted, healed and compacted into a single block of fibrous tissue that does not allow its adequate dissection or separation, carrying a high risk of injury to the intestinal loops. and appearance of concomitant fistulas. The term catastrophic abdomen was used for the first time in 1937 by Abell I, describing a dramatic post-surgical condition, involving the presence of intestinal leakage in an open abdomen with severe adhesions, having a high associated mortality.

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How to Cite
Hector Adrián Salas Rivas, Alexis Molina Pérez, Christian Guadalupe Peña Gio, Axel Fabián Vidales Cervantes, & Alexis Quetzalcóatl Vega Morales. (2023). Hostile Abdomen, A Review of the Current Literature. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(3), 337–339.


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