The Relationship of the Role of Parents in Dental and Oral Hygiene in Class IV-VI Students of SDN Nogosari 2 in Jember Agroindustry Area

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Roedy Budirahardjo
Dyah Setyorini
Luke Pandu Pangestu
Pudji Astuti
Agus Sumono


Children's dental and oral hygiene is the concern and concern of parents, besides that parental knowledge affects their attitudes and actions in maintaining children's dental and oral hygiene. School-age children tend to experience dental health problems because at that age children prefer to snack on cariogenic foods and drinks. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the role of parents in dental and oral hygiene in grade IV-VI students of SDN Nogosari 2 in the Jember Agroindustry area. Methods: This type of research is analytic observational with a cross sectional approach. Results: There is a significant relationship between the role of parents on the dental and oral hygiene of grade IV-VI children at SDN Nogosari 2, Rambipuji District, Jember Regency. Coclusion: The results of the study found that there was a relationship between the role of parents in class VI, the majority of whom worked as farm laborers at SDN Nogosari 02, on dental and oral hygiene. The role of good parents does not determine good dental and oral hygiene, while the role of adequate parents can form good dental and oral hygiene of children.


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How to Cite
Budirahardjo, R., Setyorini, D., Luke Pandu Pangestu, Kiswaluyo, Astuti, P. ., Sulistiyani, & Sumono, A. (2023). The Relationship of the Role of Parents in Dental and Oral Hygiene in Class IV-VI Students of SDN Nogosari 2 in Jember Agroindustry Area. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(3), 457–460.


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