The Description of Dental Caries in Children Aged 9 – 12-Years-Old at Rambipuji District Elementary School
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Background: Caries is the most common disease among various oral diseases and it still a major problem in developing countries impact on 60% -90% of school-age children and adults. The impact of caries that is not treated in children is toothache, and it caused reduction nutrition in children. Nutrition decrease affected in development of children. Objective: to describe dental caries in elementary school students in 9-12 years old in Rambipuji.
Method: The type of research used was descriptive observational study using cross-sectional data through elementary school students at Rambipuji in the period January 14-11 February 2019. Results: Caries is a top priority in school-age children up to adults.
Results: The results showed that female students used caries more than 55% and based on dental elements using caries, the mandibular first second molars improved caries more. Conclusion: female students have more caries difficulties. Distribution based on teeth published caries, first and second molars first caries more.
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