Education and Training based on Experiential Learning in Increasing Competency of Health Workers in Public Health Center of South Sulawesi

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Soemedi Hadiyanto
Andi Mansur Sulolipu


Introduction: The quality of the results of education and training of health workers in general is still inadequate. Ineffective training activities can be seen in the number of complaints from trainees and learning outcomes that are not optimal. The aimed to find out the influence of Experimental Strategy-based training on the Coordination of Health Training Participants.

Materials/Methods: This study used qualitative methods. The informants were 12 trainees. Data collection used in-depth interviews. The tools used were tape recorders, and camcorders.

Results: his study found that the Experiential Learning method is relevant for use in increasing Competency Based Training in a group of health workers (Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, and SKM (Bachelor of Public Health) who come from different functional health positions) at the South Sulawesi Community Health Center.

Conclusion: Competency Based Training for health workers can be done using one method, namely Experimental Learning.

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How to Cite
Hadiyanto, S., & Sulolipu, A. M. (2022). Education and Training based on Experiential Learning in Increasing Competency of Health Workers in Public Health Center of South Sulawesi . International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 2(12), 1443–1446.


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