Ultrasound Assessment of Acute Female Pelvic Pain of Ovarian Origin: Pictorial Essay and Brief Review

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César Hayashi- Mercado
Natsuo Hayashi- Mercado


Ultrasound is the initial imaging modality in evaluating ovarian pathology in women in a fertile state, establishing the diagnosis in most cases and without exposing them to large doses of ionizing radiation. In this article, we will describe the imaging findings of the main ovarian pathologies that generate pelvic pain and that are a reason for admission to the emergency room, as well as a brief review of each topic.

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How to Cite
Mercado, C. H.-., & Mercado, N. H.-. (2022). Ultrasound Assessment of Acute Female Pelvic Pain of Ovarian Origin: Pictorial Essay and Brief Review. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 2(08), 800–809. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v2-i8-15


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