Modified McLaughlin Procedure on Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation: A Case Report

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Kenny Yulian
Gusti Ngurah Putra Stanu
Made Agus Maharjana


Posterior shoulder dislocation is a rare and often misdiagnosed case, and returning the stability of the shoulder and preventing recurrent dislocations are key in improving patient’s quality of life. A 67-year-old male presented with pain, stiffness, and deformity in his right shoulder for the past month. Shoulder and upper arm were in adduction and internal rotation, and abnormal mass of the humeral head was palpated on the posterior shoulder. Shoulder range of motion was severely limited. Modified McLaughlin procedure was performed, followed by immobilization for 2 weeks after surgery. The patient’s mid-term outcome following the modified McLaughlin procedure showed normal shoulder function, with no pain or limitations. This result is likely due to the more stable bony fixation achieved through bone-to-bone union provided by the modified McLaughlin procedure. There were no signs of nerve injury, and no avascular necrosis was observed on the shoulder radiograph.


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How to Cite
Yulian, K., Putra Stanu, G. N., & Maharjana, M. A. (2024). Modified McLaughlin Procedure on Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation: A Case Report. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(12), 2218–2220.


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