Effects of Early Mobilization on Hemodynamics in Acs Patients At Rsud Dr. Soedirman Kebumen
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Background: Coronary heart disease Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) accounts for about 7 million deaths every year. Patients with ACS require cardiac rehabilitation which aims to restore optimal physical, medical, psychological, social, emotional, sexual, and vocational conditions. Early mobilization is needed to optimize health status in ACS patients. For patients whose hemodynamic status is not balanced, a solution that can be suggested is to train the patient to tolerate changes in position rather than leaving him in the supine position.
Objective: to determine the effect of early mobilization on hemodynamics in ACS patients at RSUD dr. Sudirman, Kebumen.
Methods: The research method is a quasi-experimental design with one group pre-test-post-test design. The population in this study were all ACS patients totaling 180 patients. The authors involved 64 ACS patients (17%) with consecutive sampling. The instruments were SOP for early mobilization and medical record sheets from the doctor's examination. Data were analyzed descriptively and comparatively using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
Results: Hemodynamics in ACS patients who were not given early mobilization treatment both before and after treatment were in the normal category of 32 respondents (100%). Hemodynamics in ACS patients who were given early mobilization treatment both before and after treatment were in the normal category of 32 respondents (100%). There is an effect of early mobilization on hemodynamics in ACS patients. systolic blood pressure increased by 6.75, diastolic blood pressure increased by 6.00, pulse increased by 5.31, RR increased by 1.09 and oxygen saturation increased by 0.81.
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