Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: An Aesthetic and Functional Repair

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Dra. Noemí Porras Gazcón
Joselyn Diamar Valarezo Paccha
Víctor Mario Martínez Bravo
Erika Rodríguez Corte
Karina Estefani Flores Aceves
Erin Fernanda Ramirez Ocampo
Tania Rosalía González Suárez
Nadia Sarahí Hernández Domínguez
Rocío Janeth Ramírez Ramírez
Claudia Gutiérrez Del Bosque
Roberto Millán Coronado
Juan Martín Escobedo Zaragoza
Iliana Carrillo Contreras


Upper blepharoplasty is a popular cosmetic surgery technique, with a yearly demand growth of 6%. It is primarily performed on women, aged between 50 and 70, to rejuvenate the look, enhance the supratarsal crease, and rectify contour abnormalities. The procedure also has functional advantages, such as enhancing the upper field of vision and reducing ptosis. In a clinical scenario, patients with eyelid scars experienced eyelid retraction, lagophthalmos, and ulcerative keratitis. Initially, supportive care was performed, followed by surgical treatment, including scar band release, full-thickness skin graft, eyelid closure, and tarsorrhaphy. Positive results included an expanded visual field, improved quality of life, reduced headaches, and enhanced eyesight. However, further investigation is needed due to contradictory findings and lack of scientific data. We present an interesting case of a patient in whom reconstruction was performed for aesthetic-functional purposes.

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How to Cite
Dra. Noemí Porras Gazcón, Joselyn Diamar Valarezo Paccha, Víctor Mario Martínez Bravo, Erika Rodríguez Corte, Karina Estefani Flores Aceves, Erin Fernanda Ramirez Ocampo, Tania Rosalía González Suárez, Nadia Sarahí Hernández Domínguez, Rocío Janeth Ramírez Ramírez, Claudia Gutiérrez Del Bosque, Roberto Millán Coronado, Juan Martín Escobedo Zaragoza, & Iliana Carrillo Contreras. (2024). Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: An Aesthetic and Functional Repair. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(06), 1188–1189. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i06-30


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