Epidemiological Analysis of the Sequelae of Orbital Trauma in the Mexican Population of a National Concentration Hospital; Traumatology Hospital "Dr. Victorio De La Fuente Narváez" IMSS

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Dra. Noemí Porras Gazcón
Dra. Violeta Araoz Medina
Dra. Patricia Muñoz Ibarra
Randy De Los Santos Vega
Mauricio Alejandro Lozano Rodríguez
María Estefani Montes Ortiz
Idaly Baeza Barretero
Martin Gallegos Santiago
Verónica Gonzalez Mascareño
Sam Maximiliano Arellano Crespo
Carlos Joaquín Cortés Cervantes
Ana Paula Montemayor Zarazúa
Héctor César Martín González
José Fernando Montiel Castañeda


Objective: To determine the epidemiological profile of the sequelae of orbital trauma in the Mexican population of a hospital of national concentration; in the period between January 1, 2013 and March 31, 2017.

Design: Observational, retrospective and transversal.

Methodology: Collection of data from clinical files of patients seen in Ophthalmology with diagnosis of orbital trauma (1002 patients); subsequently, they were recorded in a database and the information was emptied in SPSS for statistical analysis.

Results: The presence of sequelae was related to the type of trauma, the method of reconstruction and the approach employed. 60.38% of the cases presented sequelae. When evaluating the orbital sequelae associated with orbital fractures, it was observed that the most frequent sequels were Mechanical Strabismus, Diplopia, Anisocoria and Enophthalmos. In none of these associations was a significant p value obtained in the Chi-square test, however none exceeded the unit.

Conclusions: Patients with orbital trauma are increasing. It was observed that the most frequent fracture is the floor fracture and therefore in which more sequels are observed so we must be careful to prevent or minimize them intentionally. The most prevalent postoperative sequelae were diplopia and mechanical strabismus. In this study, important epidemiological data were obtained that can help to broaden knowledge and guide the personnel who treat orbital trauma to prevent and / or minimize sequelae, providing a better functional and aesthetic prognosis.

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Dra. Noemí Porras Gazcón, Dra. Violeta Araoz Medina, Dra. Patricia Muñoz Ibarra, Randy De Los Santos Vega, Mauricio Alejandro Lozano Rodríguez, María Estefani Montes Ortiz, Idaly Baeza Barretero, Martin Gallegos Santiago, Verónica Gonzalez Mascareño, Sam Maximiliano Arellano Crespo, Carlos Joaquín Cortés Cervantes, Ana Paula Montemayor Zarazúa, Héctor César Martín González, & José Fernando Montiel Castañeda. (2024). Epidemiological Analysis of the Sequelae of Orbital Trauma in the Mexican Population of a National Concentration Hospital; Traumatology Hospital "Dr. Victorio De La Fuente Narváez" IMSS. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(06), 1148–1183. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i06-28


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