High Decibels as Causing Deconcentration and Hearing Damage in Pilots, Crew Members and Passengers Passengers: Experimental Study in the Brazilian Air Force

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Thiago Augusto Rochetti Bezerra
João Paulo Pinelli Santos
Juliana Fontes Beltran Paschoal
Délio Tiago Martins Malaquias
Júlio Elias Calheiros
Ana Clara Felipe Parreira
Laíza Cavalcanti Rêgo
Hamilton Roberto Moreira de Oliveira Carriço
Liliana Martins Occulate
Cristiano Bento Alvarenga
Amanda Luiza Batista Cordeiro
Hiromi M.K. Fujishima
Natália Lopes Medici
Ana Laura Diniz Campozana
Elysa F. Camargo
Isabela Fagundes Krebs
Veridiana Tasqueti Porto Rizzi Soares
Danilo Almeida de Oliveira Panebianco
Victor Pagliarini Comelli
Lucas Vieira de Melo
⁠Matheus Augustus Canossa Coutinho
⁠Maria Paula Maciel Nogueira
Leonardo Tomé da Silva
Daniela Suriel Barbosa Lima dos Santos
Victória Benicio Soares Miguel
Jenyffer Victoria Cabrera Villca
Elisitt Escarlet Valencia Cabrera
Cristiana do Nascimento Oliveira
Rafael Pinheiro do Nascimento
Andreza Spinola Zaparoli
Suely Fernandes dos Santos


Hearing is one of the main senses for aeronautical activities and plays a key role in the intelligibility of communications between pilots. Noise is a factor that impairs good hearing and can lead to various health problems, as well as impairing the performance of aviation cadets when they perform multiple tasks during flight. It is important to educate airmen about how noise can negatively affect instructional flights and the conditions that expose them to too much of a drop in concentration during flights. The sound pressure levels to which cadet airmen are exposed during their training is an aggravating factor for their communication and safety. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between noise and loss of concentration during instruction in the Neiva T-25 aircraft, with the aim of collecting and analyzing data in order to improve air mission instruction in terms of health and flight safety by highlighting the harmful nature of noise in the Second Air Instruction Squadron (2º EIA). A questionnaire with eight questions about the influence of noise on the performance of aerial mission practices was administered to a sample of 20 Cadet Aviators from the Second Squadron who were taking part in the aerial instruction course in the Neiva T-25. The results of the questionnaires showed the importance of raising awareness about the harmful effects of noise in military activity, as it is a matter of flight safety.

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How to Cite
Bezerra, T. A. R. ., Santos , J. P. P. . ., Paschoal, J. F. B. ., Malaquias, D. T. M., Calheiros, J. E. ., Parreira, A. C. F. ., Rêgo, L. C. ., Carriço, H. R. M. de O. ., Occulate, L. M. ., Alvarenga, C. B., Cordeiro, . A. L. B. . ., Fujishima , H. M. ., Medici, N. L. ., Campozana, A. L. D. . ., Camargo, E. F. ., Krebs , I. F., Soares , V. T. P. R. ., Panebianco , D. A. de O. ., Comelli , V. P. ., Melo , L. V. de ., Coutinho , . ⁠Matheus A. C. ., Nogueira , ⁠Maria P. M., Silva, L. T. da ., Santos, D. S. B. L. dos ., Miguel , V. B. S., Villca, J. V. C. ., Cabrera, E. E. V. ., Oliveira , C. do N. ., Nascimento, R. P. do, Zaparoli , A. S. ., & Santos, S. F. dos . (2024). High Decibels as Causing Deconcentration and Hearing Damage in Pilots, Crew Members and Passengers Passengers: Experimental Study in the Brazilian Air Force. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(04), 620–628. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i04-06


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