Acute Diverticulitis: From Basic Concepts to Current Treatment

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Alexis Emir Noguera Echeverría
Andrea Polett Quiroz- Domínguez
Ariadna del Jesús Arcos- García
Alix Fernanda Castellanos- Ortega
María Fernanda Ibarra- Guerrero
Mauricio Gerardo Martínez- Morales
Sergio Heinar Rodríguez- Sosa
Jesús Albertinio Jarquin- Delgado
J. Edgar Efraín Hernández- Luna
Ileana Marisol Vásquez- Muñoz
Cristobal Aldair Cáceres- Moreno
Felipe de Jesús Triay -Novelo
Enzo Alejandro Herrera- Villaseñor
Mathilda Giorgia Forfori- Palomo
Kevin Omar Salazar- Ramos
Carlos Enrique Luna- Guerrero
Luis Armando López -Rico
Jackeline García- Glaxiola


Acute diverticulitis (AD) is a common gastrointestinal disease characterized by abdominal symptoms that can lead to complications such as perforation, peritonitis, and sepsis. Risk factors include a low-fiber diet, high intake of red meat, obesity, sedentarism, alcoholism, and smoking. Computed tomography (CT) imaging is considered key for diagnosis and staging. Different scoring systems help guide treatment decisions, The Hinchey Classification, has been adapted for imaging interpretation. This system categorizes the severity of the disease into stages and helps predict postoperative morbidity and mortality rates, as well as the likelihood of recurrence in patients who are not managed operatively, therefore it’s the most used classification worldwide. Management of acute diverticulitis depends on disease severity. Antibiotics are recommended for mild cases to reduce recovery time and complications, especially for patients with multiple risk factors and comorbidities. On the other hand, complicated cases require surgical treatment based on the presence of abscesses, perforation, obstruction, or fistulas.

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Noguera Echeverría, A. E., Domínguez, A. P. Q.-., García, A. del J. A.-., Ortega, A. F. C.-., Guerrero, M. F. I.-., Morales, M. G. M.-., Sosa, S. H. R.-., Delgado, J. A. J.-., Luna, J. E. E. H.-., Muñoz, I. M. V.-., Moreno, C. A. C.-., -Novelo, . F. de J. T., Villaseñor, E. A. H.-., Palomo, M. G. F.-., Ramos, K. O. S.-., Guerrero, C. E. L.-., -Rico, L. A. L., & Glaxiola, . J. G.-. (2023). Acute Diverticulitis: From Basic Concepts to Current Treatment. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(12), 3101–3107.


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