Pyar, Khin Phyu, Sai Aik Hla, Soe Min Aung, Soe Win Hlaing, Aung Aung, Kyaw Zay Ya, Kyaw Thet Aye, Zar Ni Htet Aung, Nyan Lin Maung, Thurein Wynn, Aung Phyoe Kyaw, Han Lin Aung, Myo Thant Kyaw, Zay Phyo Aung, Thein Tun Myint, Kyaw Thet Maung, Saw Thar War, Aung Thu, Sitt Min, Tin Tun Oo, Aung Thura Soe, and Min Hein Myint Chein. “A Case of Rupture Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosed 10 Days After Hospital Stay In A 22-Year-Old Girl Presented With Symptoms of Anemia Without Abdominal Pain and Amenorrhea: Lessons Learned”. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies 2, no. 5 (May 31, 2022): 422–428. Accessed July 22, 2024.