Noguera Echeverría, A.E., Domínguez, A.P.Q.-., García, A. del J.A.-., Ortega, A.F.C.-., Guerrero, M.F.I.-., Morales, M.G.M.-., Sosa, S.H.R.-., Delgado, J.A.J.-., Luna, J.E.E.H.-., Muñoz, I.M.V.-., Moreno, C.A.C.-., -Novelo, .F. de J.T., Villaseñor, E.A.H.-., Palomo, M.G.F.-., Ramos, K.O.S.-., Guerrero, C.E.L.-., -Rico, L.A.L. and Glaxiola, .J.G.-. 2023. Acute Diverticulitis: From Basic Concepts to Current Treatment. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies . 3, 12 (Dec. 2023), 3101–3107. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i12-32.