The Effective of Pain Resource Nurse Program on Knowledge toward Pain Management of Nurses at Hai Duong Provincial General Hospital, Vietnam
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Introduction: Pain management education program had an effectiveness in improving knowledge of nurses toward pain management. However, in Vietnam including Hai Duong provincial general hospital, it has never tested. Therefore, this study aim to evaluate the effectiveness a Pain Resource Nurse program on knowledge toward pain management of nurses at Hai Duong provincial General Hospital, Vietnam.
Material methods: A quantitative, experimental design was used. Twelfth units were randomly assigned to Pain Resource Nurse program(n=6) and control group(n=6). 47 nurses in each group were randomly selected. The Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) developed and revised by Ferrell and McGrant (2014) was used to assess the knowledge and attitudes of the nurses regarding pain management of nurses at two measurement points [18] .
Results: The total number of participants who were surveyed at two measurement points with a completion rate of 100%. Findings revealed that after 1 month of intervention, the percentage of nurses had good knowledge level in the intervention group increased from 19.5% to 53.2%. In contrast, the control group tended to decrease from 31.9% of nurses had good knowledge level to 21.3%. Chi Square test indicated that post intervention one montthere was significant difference between two groups with regard to pain management knowledge level (χ 2 = 10.2, p = 0.001)
Conclusion: A well-structured education program have a significant positive impact on nurses' pain management knowledge.
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