Acute Portal Vein, Superior Mesenteric Vein and Splenic Vein Thrombosis Secondary to JAK2 V617 Mutation- A Case Report

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Dr. Rosly R Jacob
Dr. Anilkumar Ashokan
Dr. Harikrishnan Somasekran
Dr. Abhishek Sasidharan
Dr. Sachin Chandran
Dr. Venkatesh Mony Chandry


Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is a rare finding which usually occurs in association with local factors such as cirrhosis, malignancy, pancreatitis, intraabdominal infections or systemic hypercoagulable states. It may present acutely as abdominal pain, ascites, fever or exist in a chronic state which is generally asymptomatic and an incidental finding. With advancement in Imaging and laboratory studies, PVT cases are diagnosed more frequently along with its predisposing factors. The invention of JAK2 mutation and it’s addition to the WHO criteria for Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) diagnosis, has increased the number of  MPN cases which were previously labelled idiopathic. We present a case of 54 year old female diagnosed with unprovoked PVT with bowel ischemia and JAK 2 mutation positive, managed surgically and with long term anticoagulation.

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How to Cite
Dr. Rosly R Jacob, Anilkumar Ashokan, Harikrishnan Somasekran, Abhishek Sasidharan, Sachin Chandran, & Venkatesh Mony Chandry. (2021). Acute Portal Vein, Superior Mesenteric Vein and Splenic Vein Thrombosis Secondary to JAK2 V617 Mutation- A Case Report. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 1(9), 296–299.


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