Predictor and Saverity Caries in HIV/AIDS Patient and Relationship with Antiretroviral Therapy (ARV)
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Clinical findings about the adverse effects of the use of antiretroviral drugs in the oral cavity of people with HIV / AIDS began to be found. A case regarding the side effects of the use of antiretroviral drugs is the discovery of oral cavity lesions in the form of whitish plaque on the lips and right buccal mucosa that has occurred more than one month accompanied by complaints of taste disorders, xerostomia, and a burning feeling in the mucosa of patients using Nevirapine, Zidovudine and Lamivudine. This study was to analyze the relationship of anti-retroviral treatment in HIV AIDS sufferers to caries predictors, and caries severity, and analyze the relationship between the duration of antiretroviral treatment to caries predictors and caries severity. This study used an observational method with cross sectional or cross sectional design by conducting direct observations, on 100 samples of HIV / AIDS sufferers using anti-retroviral drugs at the Yayasan Peduli Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (YPKDS) Makassar held in October 2019. Data were analyzed with chi square test.
The results obtained that there is a relationship between antiretroviral treatment in HIV / AIDS patients with caries predictors (p = 0.357) and caries severity (p = 0.005), while analysis of the duration of antiretroviral treatment is less than 5 years and more than 5 years there is no relationship with caries predictors (p = 0.730) and caries severity (p = 0.428).
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