Satisfaction on Pain Management among Cancer Patient in Selected Cancer Care Center Bhaktapur Nepal
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Background: Pain is a subjective, emotional experience which is the most common symptom in cancer patient and its intensity increases as disease advances. Unrelieved pain affects quality of life in all direction. Therefore, assessment of patient’s experience of pain is an important factor in providing effective pain management. Assessment of patient satisfaction can help to identify appropriate treatment modalities and can further help in its effectiveness.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 158 cancer patients in Cancer Care Center using consecutive sampling technique. Face to face interview (semi-structured) was conducted by using a validated questionnaire "APS- POQ". Data analysis was done in SPSS version 20 using descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics such as Chi square test was used to determine association.
Result: Out of total 158 respondents, 48.1% of respondents had mild pain followed by moderate pain 25.9% and 25.9% of them had severe pain. Majority of respondents 87.3% were satisfied with pain management. Out of total respondent's, 94.9% were satisfied with nurses response and 93.0% were satisfied with doctor's response regarding pain management. Out of total respondent's 82.3% received medication in less than or equal to 10 minutes. More than half 53.2% respondents verbalized that health care personnel explained on importance and reporting of pain management. Oral pain medication, relaxation and massage were top ranked approaches. Respondents with mild to moderate pain intensity were more satisfied compared to severe pain intensity. There was association between waiting time for pain medication and patient satisfaction.
Conclusion: The study concludes that majority of respondents were satisfied with overall pain management. Among total respondents, 94.9% were satisfied with nurse's response regarding pain management. It was found that respondents with mild and moderate pain were more satisfied than with severe pain. It also revealed that there was significant inverse relationship between waiting time for pain medication and patient satisfaction.
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