Correlation between Histopathologic Features and β-HCG Levels in the Event of Hydatidiform Mole
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Background: Hydatidiform mole is a gestational trophoblastic disease with the highest incidence in Indonesia where the incidence is 1 in 40 pregnancies. The cause of the high incidence of Hydatidiform mole is influenced by the reproductive performance of patients such as disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system which causes hyperproliferation of trophoblastic cells, hydrophic degeneration of chorionic villi, and increased levels of β-hCG.
Methods: This research was involving human subjects so that was related to the issues of ethical consideration. It was done at the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory and the medical record division of the Hasanuddin University Hospital and Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar from September - November 2019. The number of samples was 28 which used the total sampling method that fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data analysis used chi-square.
Results: There are correlation between the histopathologic features with β-hCG levels, they are hydrophic degeneration of chorionic villi with β-hCG levels (p= 0.008) and proliferation of trophoblast cell with β-hCG (p= 0.001).
Conclusions: There is a correlation between the histopathologic features and β-hCG levels in the event of hydatidiform mole at Hasanuddin University Hospital and Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar. The higher levels of β-hCG, the histopathologic features of hydropic degeneration villi will increase and trophoblastic cells will become hyperproliferation.
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