Half-Life of Hepaticojejunal Anastomosis of First Time Performed in the Umae 25 in Patients with Bile Tract Lesion

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Dr. Adrián Aguilar Izaguirre
Dr. Jiménez Caprielova Yuri
Dr. José Francisco Rodríguez Salinas
Dr. Samuel Rodrigo Gómez Arena
Dr. Yamir Ahmed Nacud Bezies
Dra. Grecia Palma Perales


surgeries and can have an important impact on the postsurgical evolution of the patient with bile duct pathology, in many cases it may represent greater severity than the primary condition reason for the surgical procedure; Hepaticojejunanastomosis is the surgery of choice however studies establish a limited half-life with high probability of reoperation.

Objective: To estimate the half-life of hepatitcoyunoanastomosis first performed in the UMAE 25 of the IMSS in patients with bile duct lesions.

Conclusions: The design of strategies in the repair of the bile duct requires institutional support according to the conditions of patients suffering from bile duct conditions, where the prevention of these conditions is based on an adequate mastery of biliary anatomy by the surgical team, as well as a good surgical technique, with the firm decision to convert to open surgery when laparoscopic surgery is not possible to identify the anatomical structures or failing that, the immediate transfer to a specialized center if required, positively influencing the evolution of the patient, reducing complications and ultimately mortality.

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Dr. Adrián Aguilar Izaguirre, Dr. Jiménez Caprielova Yuri, Dr. José Francisco Rodríguez Salinas, Dr. Samuel Rodrigo Gómez Arena, Dr. Yamir Ahmed Nacud Bezies, & Dra. Grecia Palma Perales. (2022). Half-Life of Hepaticojejunal Anastomosis of First Time Performed in the Umae 25 in Patients with Bile Tract Lesion. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 2(12), 1572–1582. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v2-i12-35


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