Prevalence, Characteristics and Risk Factors relating to Urinary Incontinence in Gynecology Polyclinic using Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID) Indonesian Version
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Background: The virtue of QUID is that there are only six short questions, they are all consistent in length, and their values adjust when symptoms become better. Urinary incontinence examinations can be carried out in a variety of ways to make a more thorough diagnosis, including history taking, directed physical examinations, urinalysis and residual volume, post-urine. voiding, and special examinations. Using a urinary incontinence diagnosis questionnaire, it is ideal to be able to identify the type and level of urinary incontinence that occurs. Numerous languages, including Indonesian, have had their translations of QUID put to the test.
Methods: Utilizing a QUID device that has undergone validity and reliability testing, the study was carried out using a cross-sectional observational survey method to determine the prevalence rate of urinary incontinence. It then moved on to an internal comparative analysis to determine the relationship between risk factors and the incidence of urinary incontinence.
Results: Urinary incontinence was a complaint made by 40 persons (10%). Only age remained as a variable that only influences the probability of urine incontinence after performing a multivariate analysis using the logistic regression method. Age 51 to 60 is anticipated to have a 4.280 times higher risk of urinary incontinence than age 18 to 50, which is statistically significant (p=0.002). In the meantime, those over 60 were statistically significant (p=0.000) and at risk up to 21.4 times more than those between age18 and 50.
Conclusions: Both medical and paramedical staff can use the QUID questionnaire and recommend it for wider usage, particularly in primary care or level I health institutions for screening, as this treatment can still be started in early.
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