Strategic HRM Preparedness for Healthcare Crisis Management
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Background: unforeseen events, such as a pandemic crisis, and disasters sometimes spontaneously arise in the healthcare organization. While it is recommended that the management should formulate robust plans in readiness for such crises, there is little evidence on the current preparedness of the strategic human resource management in the crisis preparedness in Saudi Arabia.
Purpose: this research was conducted to analyze the role and preparedness of strategic human resource planning in the crisis management in Saudi Arabia.
Methods: quantitative cross-sectional research was conducted in Saudi Arabia. Data was collected from a sample of 68 participants, who were healthcare workers in different occupations, including doctors, nurses, receptionists, management and risk management. the questionnaire used in data collection was adapted from a previous research study. The analysis of data was then performed using the descriptive statistics of SPSS for evidence-based conclusion.
Results: this study noted that most of the healthcare service providers through the strategic human resource management mostly read the emergency response plan for strategic crises management annually (71%) and 29.41% never read them at all. However, 91% have an emergency response plan crises management, and 60.29% have a summarized version of the risk management. It was also established that 38.23% of the healthcare workers participate in the collective training with the local authorities annually and 79.41% do update their contact details for easy access.
Conclusion: overall, the preparedness of the strategic HRM in healthcare organizations to deal with crisis varies from case to case. Nevertheless, there is a need for improving the healthcare crisis preparedness among the human resource management in Saudi Arabia.
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