Dermatographism: Clinical Implications and Patient Management

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Aleydis Fuerte Morales
Francisco Javier Euroza Valdez
Montserrat Padilla Barreto
Ana Carolina Puente Revelo
Fernanda González Ramírez


Dermographism is the most common induced dermatopathy in the world, presenting in multiple age groups and even with different pathologies such as comorbidities, its clinic, although variable, can present as the presence of erythematous lesions on the skin. literally this pathology means "writing on the skin", which can be alarming for some patients.

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How to Cite
Morales, A. F. ., Euroza Valdez, F. J. ., Padilla Barreto, M., Puente Revelo, A. C. ., & González Ramírez, F. . (2022). Dermatographism: Clinical Implications and Patient Management. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 2(11), 1261–1262.


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