Distracting Effect of Watching Animation on Children’s Anxiety While Vaccination
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Background: Vaccination can help children boost their immunity which is good for their growth and development. Children, specifically school-age children, are usually getting vaccination program in school, known as Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS) or school children immunization month. However, a lot of children are usually reluctant to attend the program because of the anxiety to get vaccinated. Therefore, this study aimed to help children getting over through their anxiety by giving them visual animation to distract them during vaccination as well as studying the impact of animation on children’s knowledge and anxiety during BIAS.
Methods: The methods employed in this study was quasi-experiment with pre and post test design. The data was collected usin a modified questionnaire adopted from Zung Self Rating Anxiety Scale (ZSRAS) and Tailor Manifest Anxiety Scale (T-MAS). The data were analyzed using univariate analysis to acquired frequency distribution, while bivariate analysis was also used to acquired results of dependent and independent t-test. 76 respondents were selected for this study which was divided into two groups: control and intervention groups.
Results: The results show statistically significant between respondents’ level of anxiety in intervention group during BIAS (p value 0,000). There was also statistically significance on the level of anxiety after the intervention between intervention and control groups. (p value 0,002).
Conclusion: From the results, in can be concluded that dictraction, specifically animation, during vaccination for children can be an alternative in nursing intervention to lower the anxiety on children.
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