Pilates as Low – Impact Exercise: Improved Health Related Fitness and Functional Lung Capacity
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Physical activity is any form of physical movement that requires the expenditure of energy produced by the body, such as activities carried out during work and daily activities. Lack of regular physical activity increases the risk of non-communicable diseases such as decreased cardiopulmonary capacity, muscle strength and endurance in activity, flexibility, and decreased immunity. Exercise is a form of physical activity that is structured and performed with goals such as improving fitness, health, or physical performance. Physical activity includes any form of body movement that involves muscle contraction and energy expenditure, whether done formally as usual sports activities. Researchers conducted sports activities in the form of Pilates exercises. Pilates exercise is a mind-body exercise that focuses on stability, flexibility, strength, muscle control, posture and breathing. Exercise can be mat-based. Pilates exercise can produce statistically significant improvements in abdominal endurance, muscle flexibility, and endurance of the human body. The benefits of Pilates exercise can increase the strength of the heart and lung muscles, increase flexibility and fitness, improve immunity and can improve posture correction. The aim of this study was to know the impact of pilates exercise to health related fitness and lung capacity.
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