Clinical Application of Autologous Fat Graft and Dermis-Fat Graft in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate Deformities: A Case Series

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Grace Claudia
Putu Trisna Utami


Cleft lip and palate patients require multiple surgeries from childhood to adulthood to improve both function and aesthetics. Primary surgery may not completely resolve a cleft, residual scarring, asymmetry, nose deformity, or palatal fistula, can sometimes remain, leading to insecurity and social withdrawal. This study reports five cases of patients aged 7-13 years old with prior cleft lip and palate surgeries, treated with autologous materials for lip, nasal, or palatal repair, based on individual needs at Bali Mandara General Hospital, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The first two patients had functional lips but were dissatisfied with scars and poor lip contour. Treatments included dermis-fat grafts, fat transfer injections, and/or scar revision. The third and fourth patients had Pittsburgh Type V palatal fistulas with nasal leakage and hypernasal speech, managed with dermis-fat grafts to close the fistulas. The fifth patient had a nasal deformity due to absent of primary correction and underwent nasal dorsal augmentation with a dermis-fat graft. All patients expressed improved appearance, function, and confidence postoperatively, with no complications during follow-up. Autologous materials such as autologous fat grafting and dermis-fat are reliable, versatile approach, and cost effective for improving lip contour, closing oronasal fistulas, and correcting nasal deformity.

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How to Cite
Claudia, G., & Utami, P. T. (2024). Clinical Application of Autologous Fat Graft and Dermis-Fat Graft in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate Deformities: A Case Series. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(12), 2375–2382.


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