“Kissing-Balloon” Angioplasty Associated Coronary Artery Perforation in Anterior STEMI: A Cautionary Tale

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Iván Alfonso Vargas Moreno
Mario Alberto Álvarez Rodríguez
Héctor Adrián Gámez Alvarado
José Eduardo Gómez Garay
Gerardo Ayala Almonte
Yoselin Esparza Monreal
Luis Delgado Leal
José Tomás Flores Flores
Cinthya Judith López Ramírez
Luis Rodrigo González Azuara
Federico García Soriano


Introduction: Bifurcation technique angioplasty remains one of the most challenging procedures in interventional cardiology, up to 10% of patient with STEMI present with a bifurcation as the culprit lesion. Coronary artery perforation is a known complication of percutaneous coronary intervention and complex coronary anatomy is often posed as a risk factor. Interventional and surgical management of coronary artery perforation is indicated as soon as possible.

Case presentation: A 55-year-old male was admitted to the emergency room with severe chest pain 12-hour prior to his admission. An anterior STEMI was diagnosed, and the patient underwent emergency coronary angiography with a bifurcation lesion of the mid LAD and D1, after transient loss of anterograde flow a secondary vessel a “kissing-balloon” technique was performed and type III coronary artery perforation in the Ellis classification of the side-branch was identified. Patient developed cardiogenic shock and urgent thoracotomy was performed. The patient was discharged in good conditions.

Conclusion: Coronary artery perforation is a feared complication of percutaneous coronary intervention. Chest pain and hemodynamic deterioration can quickly lead to patient’s death. Identification as soon as possible and interventional or surgical management must be performed.

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Iván Alfonso Vargas Moreno, Mario Alberto Álvarez Rodríguez, Héctor Adrián Gámez Alvarado, José Eduardo Gómez Garay, Gerardo Ayala Almonte, Yoselin Esparza Monreal, Luis Delgado Leal, José Tomás Flores Flores, Cinthya Judith López Ramírez, Luis Rodrigo González Azuara, & Federico García Soriano. (2024). “Kissing-Balloon” Angioplasty Associated Coronary Artery Perforation in Anterior STEMI: A Cautionary Tale. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(10), 1871–1875. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i10-26


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