Characteristic of Patients Who Died With Covid-19 in Referral Hospital, Padang, Indonesia

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citra manela
Noverika Windasari
Fenty Anggrainy


The death rate from COVID-19 is relatively high. In Indonesia, 146,356 patients have died from COVID-19. This study aims to determine the characteristics of patients who died with COVID-19 and the factors that affect mortality in COVID-19 patients. The data was taken at one of the COVID-19 referral hospitals based on medical records. The average age of death for patients with COVID-19 is 57 years with highest age range being 60-65 years. COVID-19 is found in more male corpses than females. Based on the body mass index (BMI) the most are obese patients with the main complaint on admission to the hospital is shortness of breath. Most chest X-rays during treatment were pneumonia, D-dimer levels > 500 ng/ml, leukocytes > 10,000/L, neutrophils > 70%, and lymphocytes < 20%.

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How to Cite
manela, citra, Noverika Windasari, & Fenty Anggrainy. (2022). Characteristic of Patients Who Died With Covid-19 in Referral Hospital, Padang, Indonesia. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 2(5), 402–410.


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