Lesser Curvature and Omentum-Dependent Spindle Cell Tumor: Literature Review Regarding a Case

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Viurcos Sanabria Victoria Scarlett
Guerrero Barrera Octavio
Juárez Tornado Miguel Ángel


GIST tumors are a group of rare neoplasms, having a reported incidence of 6/10 million people annually. 70-80% of the GIST are benign, however there are prognostic factors which can help us to predict its behavior. The stomach and the small intestine are the most frequent sites of location of these tumors. Diagnosis is not only based on clinical suspicion, we must also use imaging tools and pathology to confirm it. Surgery is the treatment that offers a permanent cure for localized primary GIST.

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How to Cite
Viurcos Sanabria Victoria Scarlett, Guerrero Barrera Octavio, & Juárez Tornado Miguel Ángel. (2024). Lesser Curvature and Omentum-Dependent Spindle Cell Tumor: Literature Review Regarding a Case. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(08), 1580–1584. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i08-29


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