The Advanced Management of a Burn Patient

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Pablo Alberto Mendoza Sánchez
Carlos Humberto Angulo Arce
Juan Jesús Ortega Landeros
Ezequiel Ignacio Salcedo Ayala
Jose Manuel Gómez Pérez
Francisco Alberto Montaño Vasquez
Uriel Humberto Quiroz Díaz
Erick Hidrogo Ordaz
Iberia María Ossa Nájera


Burn injuries pose a serious public health issue, contributing to a considerable worldwide impact. These injuries can lead to intricate and perhaps fatal scenarios that necessitate sophisticated care procedures. This review examines the study of the occurrence, importance, and advanced treatment of individuals with burn injuries. We explore the theoretical framework, encompassing definitions, risk factors, complications, and diverse management strategies. The conversation focuses on the most recent developments in burn treatment, such as prompt removal of burn wounds, replenishing fluids, managing infections, and facilitating rehabilitation. The focus is placed on the changing field of burn care research and how it might lead to better results for patients. To summarize, this article emphasizes the significance of utilizing a variety of disciplines in the treatment of burn patients and the necessity for ongoing study to improve the well-being of those who have survived.

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Pablo Alberto Mendoza Sánchez, Carlos Humberto Angulo Arce, Juan Jesús Ortega Landeros, Ezequiel Ignacio Salcedo Ayala, Jose Manuel Gómez Pérez, Francisco Alberto Montaño Vasquez, Uriel Humberto Quiroz Díaz, Erick Hidrogo Ordaz, & Iberia María Ossa Nájera. (2024). The Advanced Management of a Burn Patient. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(06), 1277–1281.


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