Relationship Between Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors (Hypertension and Diabetes) and Hearing Loss: A Review and Critical Appraisal
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Cardiovascular disease and its risk factors are no longer only problems in developed countries, they are equally prevalent in developing countries. Cardiovascular risk factors have been hypothesized to play a role in the pathogenesis of hearing loss. Specifically, hypertension and diabetes mellitus can affect the cochlear microvasculature, leading to cochlear atherosclerosis. These atherosclerotic changes may result in impairment of local micro-cochlear circulation, causing ischemia and necrosis of the stria vascularis, hair cells, and the entire organ of Corti, and this may lead to hearing loss. The effect of cardiovascular risk factors on hearing is still under investigation. The aim of this study is to review the relationship between cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension and diabetes) and hearing loss.
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