Diagnosis of Pulmonary Candida Non-albican in Immunocompetent Patient

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Yoki Citra Perwira
Resyana Santoso
Stevia Ariella Pasande


Back ground: Pulmonary candidiasis is a fungal airway infection caused by the genus candida species, often in immunocompromised patients, and it spreads through hematogenous or other diseases. This case report aims to inform that the disease is rare in immunocompetent patients and difficult to diagnose. 

Methods: Through a medical record search, a 40-year-old Indo-Chinese man complained of chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, and a lump in the neckA history of pulmonary tuberculosis was completed after six months of treatment with no diabetes mellitus. Then, wheezing and rhonchi were heard during the physical examination of the lungs. When a contrast HRCT (high resolution computed tomography) examination was performed, fibrocalcification with a tree in a bud was found in the bilateral superior lobes of the lung, solid mass in the distal bronchus with atelectasis and enlarged paratracheal nodules. Then, a fungal culture of the right BAL (bronchoalveolar lavage) sample was found candida-non albican. 

Conclusion: Pulmonary candidiasis is not only common in immunocompromised patients but also in immunocompetent conditions; diagnosis using HRCT with contrast and fungal culture from BAL.


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How to Cite
Yoki Citra Perwira, Resyana Santoso, & Stevia Ariella Pasande. (2024). Diagnosis of Pulmonary Candida Non-albican in Immunocompetent Patient. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(03), 429–433. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i03-12


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