Correlation between Knowledge and Attitude to Health-Seeking Behaviour among Madurese in Surabaya, Indonesia
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Everyone should have good access toward health services where and when they need, therefore, various ways are used to seek treatment. In the Madurese, health-seeking behaviour is determined by many factors. The study aimed to analyze the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes of the Madurese related to health-seeking practice. The research was conducted on 50 Madurese living in Surabaya. This research was conducted to measure the behaviour of the Madurese in health-seeking. Behaviour is divided into knowledge, attitudes, and practice. The independent variables in this study are knowledge and attitudes, and the dependent variable is the practice or effort of health-seeking. The results showed that the level of knowledge is good (92%), and the attitude toward health-seeking behaviour is negative (78%). Most of the respondents choose self-medication when they are sick (70%). Statistical analysis showed that knowledge was not significantly related to health-seeking practice (p-value = 0,075), while attitudes were significantly related to health-seeking practice (p-value=0,001).
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