Angiosome Origins and Concept

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Jesus Francisco Balderrama Conde
Karla Verónica Peña Quintero
Luis Fernando Pacheco Córdova
Carlos Eduardo Astorga Haro
Jared Rolando Laborin Dominguez


An angiosome is a composite block of tissue fed by a primary source artery. The term angiosome is derived from the Greek words angeion, which means channel, and somite, which means segment or sector of the body derived from soma, body. Angiosomes can be further differentiated into individual skin perforators or into matching venosomes (venous regions) and arteriosomes (arterial territories). The concept of angiosomes plays a pivotal role in surgical procedures involving tissue transplantation and composite flap formation. The secure anatomic borders defined by angiosomes enable the precise identification and isolation of tissues at various layers, facilitating the transplantation of individual components or the creation of composite flaps.

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How to Cite
Jesus Francisco Balderrama Conde, Karla Verónica Peña Quintero, Luis Fernando Pacheco Córdova, Carlos Eduardo Astorga Haro, & Jared Rolando Laborin Dominguez. (2023). Angiosome Origins and Concept. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(12), 3208–3210.


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