Saudi School Children's Oral Health and Hygiene Literacy and Behaviors
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Background: Awareness, attitude, and routines greatly affect oral health. This survey examined Saudi schoolchildren's oral hygiene knowledge, attitude, and behavior in Al Qassim. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Al Qassim region, focusing on school children. The study utilized a pretested online questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. The initial segment of the questionnaire documented the participants' age and dental background, while also capturing their respective experiences. The subsequent section addressed the topics of dental hygiene and dental appointments. The third section of the study was the assessment of students' knowledge on oral hygiene. Results: The study revealed that 39% of the students possessed a satisfactory level of oral hygiene knowledge. However, it was observed that students who brushed their teeth regularly or twice a day exhibited a considerably greater level of oral hygiene knowledge (p<0.001). Approximately 56.8% of the student population indicated experiencing oral issues, whereas 20.7% disclosed never having sought dental care during their lifetime. There was a statistically significant difference in the frequency of dental visits seen among students aged 12 years and older last year (p=0.010). Conclusion: It is imperative for educational institutions in Saudi Arabia to initiate the integration of a comprehensive oral health education program that encompasses both students and their parents.
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