Prevention of Helminthiasis Through Increased Knowledge with Poster and Video Media: An Intervention Study
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In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that 24% of the world's population is infected with helminthiasis. In Indonesia, the highest prevalence at 30%-90% occurs at the age of 1-12 years, namely in preschool and elementary school children. Helminthiasis infection is transmitted through eggs in human feces. Contaminated soil environments occur in populations with poor sanitation. Helminthiasis can lead to nutritional, physical, intelligence, and productivity problems. Open defecation behavior in the environment makes the soil polluted with feces containing worm eggs. An unhealthy environment and behavior are risk factors for helminthiasis. Health efforts through health education need to always be carried out through the media to disseminate information to the public to prevent helminthiasis. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of video media compared to poster media in the prevention of helminthiasis in increasing the knowledge of mothers who have toddlers. The research method used was a quasi-experiment with a non-equivalent control group design. The population was mothers who have toddlers in the working area of the Ibrahim Adjie Community Health Center with a sample determination through a purposive sampling technique of 18 mothers of toddlers in both the video group and the poster group. The Data analysis used was a paired t-test and independent t-test. The results of the research that has been carried out found that there is a difference in the average knowledge of preventing helminthiasis in the video and poster groups with P-value = 0.000. There is effectiveness of intervention through video media and poster media on knowledge with P value=0.000. Video and poster media on the prevention of helminthiasis can increase the knowledge of mothers who have toddlers. This means that video and poster media on the prevention of helminthiasis can be used as intervention media in increasing the knowledge of mothers who have toddlers to prevent helminthiasis.
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