Meningeal Syndrome as the Debut of Multiple Myeloma, Case Report

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Vela-Trujillo Cristel Monserrat
Trelles-Hernández Daniela
Aguas-Arce Fanny Alicia


Multiple myeloma (MM) is a monoclonal gammopathy characterized by malignant proliferation of plasma cells. Considered the second most common hematological neoplasm. Symptoms result from infiltration of plasma cells and secreted monoclonal proteins or interaction of plasma cells with their microenvironment. The classic CRAB criteria (Hypercalcemia, renal failure, anemia and lytic lesions), with renal failure being one of its most frequent complications, are necessary to establish the diagnosis.

Our report presents the case of a man in his seventh decade of life, who presented with meningeal syndrome, which motivated the study approach, reaching the conclusion that this entity was due to a state of immunosuppression secondary to multiple myeloma, whose diagnostic suspicion was a finding that was obtained when doing a comprehensive study of the disease, since reaching the diagnosis in this case was a cause of controversy as it had an unusual presentation. This is a good case to discuss differential diagnoses and teaches us that in medical practice we deal with patients and not with diseases, since these debut in a particular way in each individual.

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How to Cite
Vela-Trujillo Cristel Monserrat, Trelles-Hernández Daniela, & Aguas-Arce Fanny Alicia. (2023). Meningeal Syndrome as the Debut of Multiple Myeloma, Case Report. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(11), 2564–2566.


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